Datatel Communications Inc. introduces its TXT-2-Pay service for Home Maintenance service companies - allowing companies to collect payment for services on the spot via pay-by-phone.
Miami, FL, July 16, 2015 (Newswire.com) - Datatel Communications Inc. /Datatel Inc. in Canada, a leader in Pay-by-Phone solutions on the Cloud, introduces its TXT-2-Pay service for Home Maintenance Service Companies. This allows companies to securely collect payments on the spot using the customer’s mobile phone.
TXT-2-Pay accelerates the payment collection process, allowing home maintenance companies to secure the funds before the technician even leaves the customer’s home - eliminating the risk and associated costs of delayed payment collections.
The maintenance technicians, such as plumbers, electricians, locksmiths, service technicians and appliance repair technicians among others who provide services in the homes of customers, can save time and effort using TXT-2-Pay which allows customers to securely make a payment and receive an instant receipt of payment via SMS to their mobile phone. TXT-2-Pay eliminates the need to send out invoices after the services are rendered, eliminating collections all together.
For the customer, TXT-2-Pay is convenient and simple to use. The customer initiates the payment process by using their mobile phone to send a text message with their invoice number. No credit card information is ever transmitted over text and this process is completely secure.
TXT-2-Pay for Home Maintenance Services Companies can significantly reduce the inefficient and costly paperwork involved in payment collections; however, it still remains low cost and easy to implement.
About Datatel
Datatel provides the most cost effective and easy-to-deploy IVR payments platform for 24/7 credit card payment processing over the telephone. As a PCI-DSS compliant Cloud service, there is no software or hardware to buy or install. We also provide connectivity to all major credit card processors in the US and Canada – allowing our clients to continue using their existing merchant account and banking relationships.
With Datatel’s IVR services, the handling of sensitive credit card information by sales, service delivery, customer service agents and in-house self-service IVR is removed, therefore helping our clients achieve PCI compliance. Our services are employed by business and service providers to automate a wide range of customer interactions over the telephone.
For additional information, please visit: http://www.datatel-systems.com
Media Contacts:
Julie Huang
800-831-6660 x 255